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3rd Party Comments About the FundingNet Opportunity

Writer's picture: fundingnetfundingnet

In June 2023, FundingNet's programs were presented to a number of select clients and associates of our agent company, TMI and Partners in New York. These presentations were made at the offices of Mitchell and Titus in the Manhattan financial district. Mitchell and Titus is the largest minority owned/operated accounting firm in the United States.

Across two days of presentations these TMI clients/associates learned the nuts and bolts of how the FundingNet Multiples Program works, as well some background details of how we partner with our banks and Bonding affiliates to provide our low cost loans to clients with minimal/no risk. The FundingNet Loan Sponsor Program was also presented in detail.

Please view the linked video below to hear what some of the presentation attendees had to say about FundingNet's programs.

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